Editorial Team

  1. Editor in Chief  Dr. Setiono, M.Pd , Department of Biology Education, FKIP, UMMI, Indonesia [Google Scholar] [Scopus]
  2. Editor Dr. Aa Juhanda, M.Pd, Department of Biology Education, FKIP, UMMI, Indonesia [Google Scholar] [Scopus] [Orcid]
  3. Editor Dr. Ipin Aripin, M.Pd, Department of Biology Education, FKIP, Universitas Majalengka, Indonesia [Google Scholar] [Scopus] [Orcid]
  4. Editor Sistiana Windyariani, M.Pd, Department of Biology Education, FKIP, UMMI, Indonesia [Google Scholar] [Scopus] [Orcid]
  5. Editor Didi Nur Jamaludin, M.Pd, Department of Biology Education, Fakultas Tarbiyah, IAIN Kudus, Indonesia [Google Scholar] [Scopus] [Orcid]
  6. Journal Manager Gina Nuranti, S.Pd, M.Si, Department of Biology Education, FKIP, UMMI, Indonesia [Google Scholar] [Scopus] [Orcid]
  7. Layout and Design Syane Triwulandari, M.Pd, Department of Biology Education, FKIP, UMMI, Indonesia [Google Scholar] [Orcid]